Compendium of 49 Most Useful KPIs for the Metals & Mining Sector
These KPIs are crucial for evaluating the operational efficiency, environmental impact, and financial performance of metals and mining operations.
1. Average Realized Price (ARP): The average price at which the mined metal or mineral is sold in the market.
2. Blast Efficiency: The effectiveness and efficiency of blasting operations in breaking and fragmenting ore or rock.
3. Break-Even Stripping Ratio: The ratio of waste material that must be removed to access ore, ensuring the operation remains financially viable.
4. Carbon Emissions per Ton of Ore: The amount of carbon emissions produced per unit of ore extracted.
5. Cash Cost or All-In Sustaining Cost (AISC): The total cost incurred in producing and bringing a unit of metal to market, including operational and sustaining costs.
6. Commodity Price Sensitivity: The degree to which the financial performance of the mining operation is affected by changes in commodity prices.
7. Compliance Costs: The expenses associated with ensuring that mining activities adhere to regulatory requirements and standards.
8. Concentration Ratio: The ratio of the weight or volume of a metal in the ore to the total weight or volume of the ore.
9. Cost per Blast: The cost incurred for each blasting operation in the mining process.
10. Cost per ton: The cost incurred for mining and processing each ton of ore.
11. Crushing Efficiency: The effectiveness of the crushing process in reducing the size of mined material.
12. Decommissioning and Restoration Provisions: Reserves set aside to cover the costs of decommissioning and restoring the mining site after operations cease.
13. Dilution Rate: The ratio of waste material that enters the ore during the mining process.
14. Drilling Success Rate: The percentage of drilling operations that successfully achieve their objectives.
15. Environmental Impact Metrics: Metrics assessing the impact of mining activities on the environment, including emissions, waste, and land disturbance.
16. Exploration Success Ratio: The percentage of exploration activities that result in the discovery of economically viable mineral deposits.
17. Froth Flotation Efficiency: The effectiveness of froth flotation in separating minerals from the surrounding rock.
18. Grade Quality: The quality or concentration of the metal in the ore, often measured as a percentage.
19. Heap Leach Pad Size: The size of the heap leach pad used for processing low-grade ores.
20. Land Rehabilitation Percentage: The percentage of mined land that has been successfully rehabilitated or restored.
21. Lateral Development Rate: The rate at which horizontal tunnels or drifts are extended into the ore body.
22. Leach Recovery Rate: The percentage of metal recovered through the leaching process.
23. Load and Haul Efficiency: The efficiency of loading and hauling operations in transporting mined material.
24. Metallurgical Recovery Rates: The percentage of metal recovered from the ore during metallurgical processes.
25. Mill Throughput: The quantity of ore processed by the mill within a specific time frame.
26. Mine Life: The estimated duration for which the mine can sustain productive operations.
27. Mine Safety – Accident / Injury Rate: The rate of accidents or injuries per unit of time worked, indicating the safety performance of the mining operation.
28. Mineral Exploration Success Rate: The percentage of mineral exploration activities that lead to the discovery of economically viable deposits.
29. Mineral Reserve Life Index (MRLI): The estimated duration for which the proven mineral reserves can sustain mining operations.
30. Minerals Extraction Efficiency (MEE): The efficiency of extracting minerals from the ore during the mining process.
31. Mining Fleet Efficiency: The overall efficiency of the fleet of vehicles and equipment used in mining operations.
32. Mining Process Efficiency: The efficiency of the entire mining process, from extraction to processing.
33. Noise and Vibrations Levels: Metrics assessing the impact of mining operations on noise and vibrations in the surrounding environment.
34. Off-Grade Material Ratio: The ratio of material that does not meet specified grade requirements.
35. Ore Milled: The quantity of ore processed by milling operations.
36. Ore Reserve Replacement Ratio (ORRR): The ratio of newly discovered or added reserves to the amount of ore mined.
37. Ore to Waste Ratio: The ratio of ore extracted to the waste material removed during mining.
38. Percentage of Recycled Metal: The percentage of metal in the final product that is obtained from recycled sources.
39. Rate of Drilling: The speed or frequency at which drilling operations are conducted.
40. Ratio of Reserves to Production (R/P ratio): The estimated number of years that proven reserves can sustain current production levels.
41. Reclamation Costs per Ton: The costs incurred for reclaiming or restoring the land per ton of material extracted.
42. Recovery Rate: The percentage of metal or minerals recovered from the ore during processing.
43. Royalty Rate: The percentage of revenue paid as royalties to governments or other entities that own the mineral rights.
44. Smelter Availability: The availability and operational efficiency of smelting facilities.
45. Smelting and Refining Yield: The efficiency of the smelting and refining processes in recovering metal from concentrates.
46. Stripping Ratio: The ratio of waste material removed to the amount of ore mined.
47. Tailings Produced: The quantity of tailings generated during the mining and processing of ore.
48. Unit Cost of Production (UCP): The cost incurred per unit of metal produced.
49. Water Quality Index: Metrics assessing the impact of mining operations on water quality.